Each chapter below belongs to A Political Science Experiment. If you have been assigned the text as a whole, you can add all the chapters below to your cart now, or you can spread out your purchases over the semester. Once purchased, you can return to this page to read and navigate between chapters.
The State
By Jennifer Gandhi, Yale University, and Jeffrey K. Staton, Emory University
Courts and Constitutions
By Andrea Scoseria Katz, Washington University in St. Louis
Electoral Rules
By André Blais, Université de Montréal, and Damien Bol, King’s College London
Voting and Elections
By Jennifer L. Merolla, University of California, Riverside; Laura B. Stephenson, University of Western Ontario; and Elizabeth J. Zechmeister, Vanderbilt University
Media and Political Communication
By Christian Vaccari, Loughborough University
The Effects of Political Information on Citizens
By Christian Vaccari, Loughborough University
Gender and Politics
By Marie E. Berry, University of Denver, and Hilary Matfess, University of Denver
Political Participation: Elections and Protests
By S. Erdem Aytaç, Koç University, and Susan C. Stokes, University of Chicago
Civil Conflict
By Austin L. Wright (U of Chicago) and Igor Kolesnikov (UC Berkeley)